Friday, October 06, 2006

words and pictures

Alex drew a picture for his friend Riley, who was coming over to play. I asked him what it was, because he had started out drawing a whale spouting water. I thought it was pretty good, but this picture had more bits and pieces to it, and was all yellow.

His answer "constellations". Where on earth he heard that word, I have no idea. Yes, this is my four year old. When I asked him where he heard the word constellations, he said he "just knows it". Did he heard it on TV...? He said he didn't.

I then asked him if he knew what constellations were. "No!" was the reply. "Star patterns in the sky", was my very brief answer. "Yes", he said pointing to the picture, "constellations".

Well blow me down!


At 3:33 PM, Blogger Kathleen said...

I think having a 4-year-old is a real education for Mom!

At 4:18 PM, Blogger strauss said...

you can say that again. I am actaully looking forward to the endless questions. It is fun!

At 2:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We only think we know more than they do. Kids are a great source of inspiration. LK


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