Thursday, September 28, 2006


The first picture is of the house before we bought it - doesn't actually look too bad from afar. The next picture is what it looked like in winter - not really comparable, but the only front-on picture I had of the house once we got our meddlesome mits on it. It doesn't show the slosh pit that was the side lawn, but you can see the drab colour...very depressing in winter, it looks kind of yellow against the white snow....dirty.

I know it is a bit shadowy, but this is the house now. We painted it in Benjamin Moore's Green Gables with Classic White as the trim and Midnight Sky for the door...not that you can really see that. The trim was previously done in heritage green as was the door. Our old place had the same green trim, but this combination made the trim look really heavy, and a bit dated, on the whole. It needed a paint anyway - so we took advantage of the situation and changed the whole colour scheme. We like it.
We have begun to plant out front: lavadner, white fall "mums", some other thing with yellow green flowers in winter, and along the front fence a hedge plant with lovely pink bell shaped flowers. We have also bought a few varieties of bulbs, which I will plant out soon - it has been a little warm for them just yet. The place should look great come spring next year.
So there you have it. The wait for photos is over.


At 4:07 PM, Blogger Kathleen said...

Loved the guys have done wonders! It's beautiful...I love that shade of green. I didn't know you'd posted these when I blogged you a "plant" today! Hmmm...maybe there's a spot for a barberry in your yard.
It was nice of you to post the pics...I'm betting there wasn't any candy in your mail.

At 5:27 PM, Blogger strauss said...

Thanks. I will have to look into what a barberry is.
No! No candy, thats ok. I don't really need it, if you know what I am saying.


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