The edge

The other day I was telling a friend about a moment in my life when I felt so dissolved as a person that it was like the world was flat, and there was I, teetering over the edge of an abyss, with stars dotted around me - mere pin pricks in an otherwise dark void.
In less dramatic or horrifying fashion, I find myself once again on the edge of the unknown, and nervous.
Today we had a little boy over for a playdate with Alex. We hadn't had this boy over before, so of course, the experience was a little different from having the very placid and laidback Riley, over.
All in all the playdate went well. The boys seemed to have a reasonable time together, and the warm weather certainly helped a lot. Upon leaving, the little boy told us repeatedly that he will have Alex over at his house, next time. Cool, that'll be great, I said to humor him.
Anyway, I got a call from the little boy's Dad THIS EVENING. In the back of my mind I was thinking Is there a problem? Why is he calling me at this hour? Was something left behind? But I couldn't think of anything, so I wasn't tooooooo worried. He was actually calling to ask if Alex would like to comeover for a play....on Friday! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!
I hestitantly said yes. Only because I had asked Alex, "if asked, would you like to go to a classmates house to play". He replied that he would go to the houses of the two boys who had visited us.
I should be rejoicing - he is making friends, YAY! The baby sitter experiment proved that neither they nor I would blow up if separated for a couple of hours, so why am I so darn nervous about this step?
Is it the step...the next step of separation that I am freaking out over...arms swiping at my baby boy as he slips through my strangle hold? Or is it the fear that he is going to freak out when I am not there, that the baby steps I am happy for him to take, if he wants to take them, will be set back months, years even, due to the trauma of a bad experience? No one wants to have a freaked out kid on their hands - especially one that is not their own. I have told the parent of this boy that I will be home all afternoon should there be a problem. I will talk to Alex about the playdate, to be sure that he really wants to go. I will drive past this kid's house to show Alex that he is not going far. I will assure him that he can ask the boy's Dad to give me a call if he wants to go home. Is there anything else I should do? Get a lobotomy perhaps? HEEEEELP!
Do we assume that you have met this boy's parent(s), and have been to the house? If you're comfortable with them and the circumstances of his visit...he should be fine.
Letting go isn't easy! Baby steps....
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