green thumb

The day after we planted the seed, we were a bit worried because a guy down the street had an enormous sunflower - 7 feet tall, at least; its stem, the thickness of my wrist; and the flower, the width of a computer keyboard. It was even staked to a telephone pole to help support its weighty head. It was...a bit scary looking, and we hoped ours would be a little more...well, petite.
It was, as you can see, but still, it was much bigger than we had anticipated. We stupidly grew it in a pot, thinking it wouldn't get much taller than knee height. The plant grew so fast, it was really quite amazing. Alex was concerned that it might even reach his bedroom window.
It is so tall that Alex had to stand on a table AND bend it down to get both himself and his flower in this shot. He is so proud.

My goodness....I would never have thought a plant could grow that much in such a short time! You must have great soil, lots of sun (????) and a definite green thumb! It's obvious he's very, very pleased.
The look on his face says it all. I'm surprised it grew so quickly. Good on Alex and mom. Lauraine
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