Please Explain....
You really DO have to think about what you are saying when talking to a child. One minute you are minding your own business and the next you are explaining in inner workings of living things - well, the walking and breathing variety anyway.
We were eating lunch when Alex choked on his drink, amidst all the spluttering, I innocently quipped, "hey, did that go down the wrong hole?" A received a puzzled look, the cogs started turning and he clutched his throat, Oh no, here it comes.... He regained his composure and then it emerged, "Wrong hole? What do you mean wrong hole?"
"Ummmm....some drink nearly went down your breathing hole, instead of the food hole to your stomach - that's all". Blank.......... that was the look I got back. He is ONLY four. What the hell am I thinking?
The explanation was not acceptable and I had to come up with a something better, which was explained about three times. Then he tried to swallow down the correct hole and wanted to know if the swallowing hole was on the left or right side of the throat. I eventually had to tell him to stop thinking about it, after all he had never choked before and his brain just seemed to know which hole it was suppose to go down. .....more cogs turning....."How does my brain know which hole to send the drink down".
sob....sob....sob (help!). Ok lets do neurology another day....PLEASE! No? Oh great.
So I opted for a long, complicated (probably very misguided) explanation. I got the effect I wanted, you know, eyes glazed over, that faraway look, then.... "I'm going to watch shows now".
Thank God for that.
Oh, what a wonderful age! I'd have loved to have heard your explanation....I'm not sure how it works myself!
Yes, please explain! This is good, children are a delight. I assure you this will be a memory you can have for many years. Lauraine
No I didn't give that bad of an explanation, but pictures would have helped. I think I should invest in my own book, for future questions along similar lines. I am sure you will still be needing your copy.
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