Maiden of Rosario Beach
After the stunning scenery of Deception Pass, we headed to a nearby beach. Rosario Beach, named after the areas Rosario Strait, was a lovely little pebbly cove. We got there just before dusk, as the sky began to blush with a hint of pink. The gentle waves lapped along the shore, turning the little pebbles over with the ebbing tide, making a unique sound; rather like the fizz of a soda just after being poured into a glass - wonderfully peacefully and soothing. We sat on a washed up old log and watched a seal playing in the shallows, while Alex collected rocks and Olivia delighted in dropping them into the water. It was absolutely lovely.
If I lived there, I would sit at that very spot every day and enjoy the tranquility- mind you the water was freezing.
I'm shamed, I'm shamed....
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