Wednesday, August 30, 2006


So sorry to all those who have requested to see pictures of our house after all the work we have done. You are going to have to wait just a little longer I am afraid. It is kind of in the between stage. You can't mow new lawn for the first three weeks and then you can only mow the very tips for the first three mows, so the garden is a little, shall we say...jungle-like, just at the moment.
Furthermore, we have yet to plant all the plants in the garden. In fact, we have hardly planted any. Aside from being clueless about Canadian plants, and plants that will thrive in this climate, most of the nurseries are closed for the summer. The ones that are open have a miserable selection of stock and the prices are through the roof - so we are hanging off for a little while.
In the meantime, the break has provided opportunity to contemplate what type of garden we would really like. There is alot of green - A LOT of green, so we would like to counteract that by adding plants that flower. We woud like to have some flowers all year round if possible.
Thus far, I have only bought one variety of plant, something called a "blue lady". It supposedly grows well in the shade and produces blue leaf-like flowers in the winter. I have planted the five I bought (from a plant liquidation sale), under the bitter cherry tree, which looks gorgeous in spring with all the blossoms, but will soon be losing all its leaves.
I have found two varieties of Heather that I will probably buy for the front yard - a summer flowering and a winter flowering variety. I would also like some lush large green leaved plants, and was thinking of hydrangas and perhaps some agapanthas.
There is other thing I have been looking into - bulbs. I borrowed a bulb book from the library the other day and was fascinated with all the different varieties. I have absolutely no idea of the cost of bulbs, as they were not yet in the expensive nursery that I checked out the other day. I am rather hoping, when purchasing time arrives, that I will return home with a bundle of different kinds, content and happy, with my heart secure in my chest exactly where it is meant to be, and blood pressure as normal.
I must admit, despite growing up with a couple of garden doting, plant nuts for parents, I am not blessed with the green thumb. I appreciate the apprearance of a good garden and don't like seeing my plants suffering. Nor do I like weeds sprouting up all over the place. I just don't know much about plant varieties and don't want to choose plants that I will hate later. I guess I want to choose right the first time, so I waste neither time nor money.
So I am looking forward to the big plant expedition, which Ashley has expressed little interest in - he prefers the structural aspects, rather than the beautifying processes. So next month, when the nurseries open their doors, filled with fresh stock and bulbs, I will probably be seen muddling around talking insanely to myself with a vague expression on my face, nervous twitch about the eye and clumps of hair in my hands.


At 10:02 PM, Blogger strauss said...

I am not going to put a million boring photos of our house on the blog,I can see it now "lawn mown, lawn like it needs a match set to it, garden bare ground, garden with new palnts, garden with dead plants"...rivetting I am sure. Be patient!


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