Friday, August 11, 2006

Newspaper caper

Last week I wrote about the funny, and the strange things we see when casually gazing out the kitchen window and into the car park next door (I warn you, this could become a regular segment).
Some months back, there was a "plea" for paper deliverers for the local free magazine. A guy and his wife from down the road deliver our paper every Friday, and have done so ever since we have lived here- rain, snow or shine!
When I saw that job advertised in the paper, I thought, "there's a job I could do with the kids, and it would provide some much needed extra cash - if its good enough for the guy down the road, then it is good enough for me".
So I rang up and requested the available route nearest my house..."about 100 households", I was told. "Well, what is the rate of pay?" I asked next. "blah blah blah, yadda yadda yadda, yak yak yak, stall stall stall....(silence ).....10 cents a paper", came the drawn out reply. "10 CENTS A PAPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" (I scream alot in my head). "Righhhhhhhhhht", was my actual less than enthusiastic response, despite the series of "abort! abort! abort!" sirens blaring in my head.
Sensing the "runaway screaming" energy that was definately coming from my end, the woman attempted to dangle a rubbery carrot to entice me to take the job...."you would also get an additional fee for placing advertising flyers into each paper....(pause) each week is different but you can expect an average of 4 flyers, sometimes samples, per paper or household....(pause) that can really add up, you know", she tried to assure me. "Sooooooo....", I asked hardly believing the sums in my head, "how much is the "flyer bonus"? "A penny a flyer", she responded quickly, like someone attempting to rip off a bandaid in the belief that speed will inflict the least pain.
So just to confirm, and for my own humour really, I asked once and for all "so what do you think that route is likely to pay per know...on average"? I was told that I could expect an average of $10 a week. And when she asked me if I would like to give that job a go "just for a month to see whether or not I like it", visons of screaming wet kids and me with a resentful dissatisfied grimace upon my frost bitten face crept into mind. So I said, "Nnnnnnnaaaaaaa".
I know it is a free paper and all, and I was desperate, but not THAT desperate - the people down the road must do it purely for the exercise - I am sure. Someones gotta do it, but I'll pass thank you.
Anyway, with that history and information in hand, I was surprised to see some boys from around the corner wheeling a cart full of newspapers down our street, presumably to the route I had rejected. These boys were perhaps 11 and 13 years old - good on them I thought, although I also felt sorry for them. One of the wheels of their cart had buckled under the weight of the load and they were having a tough time struggling along the pavement. Such an effort for so little reward - and they would have to split that miserable profit between the two of them! But this morning I saw them from the kitchen window. They had crept into the compound of the industrial bin next door, the bin that is there to service the baseball park and tennis club. I watched them wheel their broken cart behind the bin, full of suspicion and mischief, and then emerge quickly without it when momentarily interupted by a passer by - very obviously I might add. Once the coast was clear they resumed their devious plan. The younger boy stood watch as the older one dumped 8 thick bundles of "flyers" straight into the trash. I guess they worked out that they would get their flyer bonus regardless of whether they actually placed them into the papers. It sure amused the hell out of me, because had I taken on that thankless task, I reckon I would have been tempted to do the same. Don't worry boys, your secret is safe with me.


At 5:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm, I don't think the advertisers would be so amused, but it is funny. And yes, this should be your regular segment!

At 6:10 PM, Blogger strauss said...

I am positive they wouldn't be too please. And I wonder if anyone will ring up and complain that their paper didn't have flyers, they have the much sought after coupons in them..


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