Tuesday, August 08, 2006


We did manage to make it to the Vancouver Aquarium, and might I add, what a fine establishment it is. For any who might make the trip over to see us, particularly those with kids, we will most definately recommend a trip there, since it is just great!
Strangly there is more to see at the Aquarium than marine life, even though the marine life alone would satisfy any visitor to the centre. There was a shark enclosure, which is what Ashley and the kids are looking at in the first shot. Dolphins shows, arctic's own Beluga Whales on show (my favourite), sea lions, and the ever sociable and highly energetic otters (the last shot) . The centre also have a rainforest exhibition, showing some of the giant Amazonian fish, snakes and caimons (small crocodile like animals), butterflies, turtles and the brightly coloured scarlet ibis (shown here) which had a nest of grey downy chicks. There is SO much to do at the Aquarium that it would take all day to see it all. The facility is also situated in the beautiful Stanley Park, which is an adventure entirely in itself.
On the way home we saw more "sights" - a biker dude in chaps with the arse cut out standing alone and rather self-consciously out front of a Subway restaurant. It was Gay Pride Day on Sunday - "Subway - Eat fresh"! There is never a dull moment is good ole Vancouver. Posted by Picasa


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