Friday, August 04, 2006

It is done....

The lawn has been put in at long last. It arrived at 7:3o am , yesterday and we finally finished it at 1:30 am this morning. We kind of feel like the "Exhausted Morrison" laying strung out on the stage floor. Today is clean-up day for all the paint, dirt, bark chips and sod that has been brought in and used over the past 6 weeks. There are a few bits and pieces still to do, so I will leave the pictures for now.
So for those who were trying (repeatedly!!!!) to contact me last night, I can assure you that I was indeed slaving away, and not intentionally ignoring you, as if may have seemed - sorry.
We are planning a fun long weekend though - with NO WORK - the kids will be very relieved, because they are fed up completely. Posted by Picasa


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