Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Picture Lake

Yesterday we headed over the border and into the USA's very own Washington state for a day trip to Mount Baker. Mount baker is an active volcano which is constantly covered in snow. We could even see steam shooting skyward from its peak. We can actually see Mount Baker quite clearly from home in good old B.C. Canada.
On our way up to the mountain we stopped in at Glacier for lunch at a place aclled "Grahams".
The town of Glacier harks back to the gold rush era, but now is known more for skiing. In the middle of summer however, it did have a bit of a ghost town feel, despite being the last amenties stop this side of the great mountain.
"Graham's Grocers and Restaurant" was also interesting. The menu was made out like a newspaper. The front page detailed the history of the pub and its adhoc restoration during the 1970's. Although it had an original and might I say, rather exquisite mahonangy bar dating back to circa 1800, I wouldn't call "Grahams" an overly classy joint. Its fare consisted mainly of fries and distastefully named burgers, such as the "mutha clucka" or chicken burger for the more conservatively burger. Ashley ordered the "mini mutha" (beef patty burger), while I ordered the "mexi mumma" or veggie burger, which was described as being "unpopular", since it was only included on the menu for the sake of the "small percentage of people who actually cared about their health" (I kid you not).
AFter luch we ventured out to take in the scenery, which was stunning. This is a photograph I took of gorgeous Picture Lake with a snowy mountain (name unknown) in the background. It sure was pretty up there and the weather was warm too. Posted by Picasa


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