Arrrr Matey
Alex went to a pirate party today - shiver me timbers.
He refused to wear the given costume at the party, but was happy enough to put it on once safe at home and away from the prying eye of the unaquainted. I am sure Alex will really appreciate this picture on the blog in years to come!!!!
The party was held at a park near the local beach, and the whole park was utterly swamped with people.
For Alex it was a little overwhelming, and he didn't really interact with anyone, but he said he had a really good time despite his hand remaining glued to my hand the entire time.
Olivia, our brave little soldier, came along too. And when Alex became to over-whelmed to participate in a game I encouraged her to take Alex's place, which comforted Alex enough that he soon joined in with her.
The party was really good. The host family put so much effort into planning activities and exciting things for the kids to discover and take home with them.
I have started to hand out invitations for Alex's party at the end of the month. I am REALLY nervous about it. I would avoid hosting such a thing, but Alex requested a party and I could see no good reason to refuse. He says he wants a "Train party", so this is the over-riding theme. I wish I had an extraverted friend who could help me, but I don't, well not here anyway.
I just want Alex to have a good time, and to feel comfortable about the day when it is upon us.
We are avoiding inviting the whole pre-school class due to the over-whelmed thing Alex experiences; maybe only 5-6 friends, and their siblings if they tag along.
I have been doing some research on the internet about 4-year old parties and have some ideas, but it is all a bit much really - some people go to incredible, and quite frankly excessive lengths making huge elaborate props and scenery, which only makes me wonder where they are going to store all the junk after the party is over.
So if anyone has any great, fun, unfussy, but creative ideas for a train themed party taking place in our home, I would REALLY appreciate them.
The next Johnny Depp. Captn Jacks Back!!
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