Thursday, June 29, 2006

more than sandwiches

A couple of months ago I was helping Ashley clear some of the sod and weeds from the front yard (in anticipation of some landscaping that has yet to eventuate), when our neighbour saunters over for a look-see. Ashley explains what we are planning to do, and how we are going to do it: bring in x-amount of soil and wheel barrowing it into the needed areas front and back, then add rollout lawn and ....basically do it all ourselves.
The neighbour's response was to scoff loudly and announce to Ashley that he was numb in the head if he was to be expecting "the wife" to help him. "You two ARE married, aren't you?" He mocked further laughing at something I certianly didn't find funny. In conclusion he advised Ashley not to expect too much and wished him "goooood luck", because you see (and I didn't actually know this beforehand), apparently when it comes to renovations and yard work "women are only good for bringing out the sandwiches". And yes, he was aware that I was standing right there.
Shamefully that day I didn't defend myself nor the sisterhood - quite honestly, I was flabbergasted that such comments should sprout forth in this day and age. Nevertheless, the neighbour's cutting remarks simmered away inside me - being told I am next to useless, is something I don't take kindly at all; but as is the case in most cases, actions speak louder than words.
During the week we found the neighbour, once again, sauntering in our direction while we were out the back doing the exterior painting. He was indeed surprised to find me up on the ladder doing my fair share for the cause. It was then that I deemed it appropriate to suggest that perhaps we women were capable of doing a little more than bringing out the odd sandwich.
I challenge any who beg to differ!


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