Thursday, June 22, 2006

Vanvouver sky

See! It doesn't ALWAYS rain here.
When there is not a cloud it is like heaven on earth and a pleasant 19 degrees. Although if you listen to the locals, anything over 20 is "so hot".
We are renovating (yeah still!!!), exterior painting at the moment. Apparently it is presently an unadvisable temperature for painting. Gee, between too hot and rain, I wonder when anyone ever gets their renovations done around here....but I think we will risk it.


At 10:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome to the great Northwest. We have 90 F and everyone is hovering around the airconditioner. I like it and think we deserve a clear and warm day once in a while. Frame the picture and put it up where you'll be reminded of what summer brings after all the rain. Lauraine


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