Tuesday, June 20, 2006

the playdate

Yesterday was the day - the playdate.
I am a bit surprised actually. I am not at all experienced in having other kids over and didn't really know what to expect.
Alex was REALLY excited about it and asked me twenty times a minute, "What time is Rilley coming?"
Prior to Rilley's arrival we talked behaviour; his shyness, his overwhelmed feelings, and appropriate play, i.e don't bring out every toy you own and dump it on the ground in a big heap in the first 2 minutes. (This was done recently with our neighbour - who suddenly felt it was time to go home when Alex brought out every piece of clothing he owned. The swift exit home came when the undies were dragged out).
When Rilley did arrive Alex was shy for the first minute - just like he promised. When Rilley's Mum and little sister left he relaxed and invited Rilley up to his room to show him - and I was alone.
Rilley, Alex and Olivia played up there for a good 30 minutes. I was a bit beside myself - I didn't know what to do - so I cleaned!!!!!
Rilley stayed for 4 hours and the three of them played exceptionally well the entire time. I lost one round however, because NO-ONE would help me pack the toys away. Next time (you hear that) next time, I will be stating at the beginning "whatever is dragged out, will be put away before anyone leaves this house". Despite the non-compliance on putting away, I declare the playdate.... a success.


At 10:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, that was very successful. So fun to see them grow and learn. You are learning too mum. Lauraine


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