Little Miss Sunshine

I just watched Little Miss Sunshine.
When life gets too serious.... rent this movie. Loved it.
Happy New Year.
"Fortune Favours the Brave"- this is one of my life's mottos. With this motto in mind, my family and I have embarked upon a journey which sees our Australian selves leaving all that is loved and familiar, and heading for the chilly and beautiful land of Canada. This site is intended for family and friends, and documents this journey (hopefully with the odd picture), so those who wish to, can share the journey with us.
Amusing utterances heard in the "warming house" at the George Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary....
- 9 year old girl says- "Look Mommy, there's an orange legged butt diver" - (a.k.a Mallard Duck)
- 6 year old girl says - "Mommy, I love you more than all the people I don't know and some stuff"... the reply..."errr, gee....thanks!"
-6 year old girl asks..."Mommy, why have they stuck an X to all the windows?"...the reply..."so the windows don't fall out in a hurricane, honey"....and the counter reply by the 9 year old sibling..."I think it is so the birds don't fly into them". (I haven't heard of too many hurricanes occurring in Vancouver).
- mother #1 commenting on the items in her picnic basket ..."the things I brought are all unhealthy". Mother #2 -"well I have packed oranges and dried fruit and sandwiches. My kids don't eat many of those snack foods "....priceless child response after surveying mother's healthy lunch..."Yuck".
-Mother#1 "Do you like Shari's haircut"? Mother #2 "Yeah it is nice. Melanie is growing hers and it is soooo gorgeous and shiny. Its because we mix flax oil into our breakfast juice"...priceless innocent child response "then why isn't your hair nice like mine?"
-"The back garden only has one door....The back garden only has ONE door....The BACK GARDEN ONLY HAS ONE DOOR!" (increasingly panicked ramblings of a man seen attempting to exit the park while wading through a slew of hungry ducks...I didn't get it either!).
I had a bit of a social weekend.
Many an evening, when the kids are safely in bed asleep, or out of ear shot, we have broken out a block of chocolate to go with a hot cup of coffee, or delved out a fine selection of hand chosen delectables to compliment the odd glass of red wine or champers...Mmmmmm.......
We are terrible really, and it had been getting WAY out of hand. So, it was time to do the responsible, honourable, the mature...the only right thing, and sever the source of addictive joy. "So what?" I hear you say, "a little chocolate is supposed to be good for you. It is FULL of antioxidants and .... ummm...stuff". Yes, I believe that study commissioned by Cadbury's did only suggest...a little chocolate. Unlike my parents, who seem to have the will-power of the enlightened, and ration themselves to ONE chocolate an evening, Ashley and I are incapable of eating "a little" chocolate. In fact, we more likely to ration ourselves to one BLOCK of chocolate an evening. You see the problem here folks?
Well over the course of the past month or so, we have scaled back the consumption. At first I only bought a limited chocolate supply, and then no chocolate supply and now I haven't any form of processed, pre-packaged sweets in the house at all. If we want some, we have to drive all the way to the store in the cold and dark to buy it, or I have to go to the effort and bake something, which isn't all that bad an idea really. But of course, Ashley and I thank dearly and kindly, all the blessed souls who sent chocolates for my recent birthday...they went down mighty fine. What? I didn't say we wouldn't eat chocolate IF it happened to somehow come into our possession. I was simply saying that I was limiting the on tap supply - the readiness of its access. Chocolate should not be considered a staple like bread and milk...well, not by us anyway, for the chocolate would likely disappear before the first slice of bread were even buttered.
So what gain have we in limiting some of life's simple pleasures..."where is the joy in such cruel dull restriction". Well, I can sleep better not having had a belly full of caffeine ladened delights and that has a flow on effect that makes the angels sing...beautiful restful sleep - Arrrhhh! The downside is that I have been a little cranky this week, without the usual buoying effect of that afternoon sugar prop, that that will pass. Although, having said that, today I went to the neighbours house to welcome the new baby girl - Ella Samantha ..... and they just so happened to be giving their well wishers chocolate "mint meltie" cigars.... Mmmm oh my, does chocolate ever soothe the deprived soul of the savage beast - yes indeed. (Oops!)