Wednesday, November 15, 2006

swimming and other winter stuff

Yes, its that time of year over here in Canada- blowing a gale, plummeting temperatures, rain in sheets...and even mountain snow; winters icy hand is flexing its fingers for the strangle hold. Therefore, it is also the perfect time to drag out those dreaded bathers....right? Of course I am right!
I hate the gym...BORING. I have tried to like it; kidded myself that the experience was exhilarating, and waited in vain for that adrenalin rush that "people" (these supposed people never have names) get after a vigorous workout.

I have bought my fair share of annual gym memberships over the years, and even the best deals end up being a waste of money after the honeymoon period is over - although the best intentions were in place at the time (read: idealistic and wishful thinking).

I have attended a variety of fitness classes... I wish I had someone to go with me; motivate me..... GUILT me into going, hold me to my lack lustre fitness commitment.
But I tend to get bored with the prancing around on the spot, abusive drill Sargent's barking orders out front and the obligatory mirrored walls (they alone can send one screaming and declaring never to return).

I enjoy riding my bike outdoors, but when the weather turns nasty I tend to morph into Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz - muttering "there's no place like home". I guess I would rather engage in back breaking hard work than the monotony of the is such a sterile environment. At least with house painting or dirt shoveling you can see the fruits of your labour, the fitness benefits are just a bonus i.e my house is a sprightly shade of green AND look, I have killer abs....well, IF I had 20 houses to paint in a row maybe, but I did notice a considerable difference.

It has been 4 months since that intense flurry of enthusiastic gusto and I am not proud of the jelly-like proportions that I have once again returned too. I am sure the relative inactivity is also playing havoc on my mood, which appears also to mirror the weather: severe cold snaps, increasingly prevalent patterns of the dark and gloomy, with brief sunny breaks.

I have heard about SAD or seasonally affected depression, in fact, I am fairly sure I had a bad bout of it last year. So, if nothing else, I want to stave THAT off right here and now.
Ashley practically pushed me out the door last night and I thank him for doing that. I get the guilts when I take time out for myself, so a gentle encouraging nudge is very much appreciated.
I intended to do laps (not sure if you remember my last disastrous laps attempt, if not see THE ATHLETE - July 7th, it is a story that reeks of the pathetic).
This time I went in slow, I did learn that much from the last experience. I think I did 7 laps and was already getting bored, when a woman asked if I was there for aqua aerobics, which was about to begin. No...but suddenly "Yes". I joined in and persisted for the entire hour, it was great. The pool has it as a drop-in class, twice a week, so you don't have to pay for a bunch of classes up front - just show up - that is my kind of fitness class. Lets see how long I can keep the momentum of the fitness regime up THIS time, I am taking bets....By the way, I won't be at the Thursday class, I am getting my hair cut...yeah the first one since that disastrous one I wrote about back in July. Hmmmm, July - laugh at my expense month.


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