Sunday, August 13, 2006

Alice Lake

Today we headed up "north" along BC's Sea to Sky Highway. This piece of road will take you all the way to Whistler; the future home of the 2010 Winter Olympic Games. There were alot of roadworks going on in preparation for the games, and alot more to come apparently, but nothing that held up traffic on this day.
The views along this stretch of road offered some great scenery looking out across Howe Sound and the many little islands nestling in sleepy coves. The drive also enabled us to see beyond our coastal mountains and into the distance to a more rugged landscape; where summers heat appeared to have scalped all but a few mountains of their snowy white caps.
We had lunch at a great roadside diner which had the best view around -Shannon Falls and Stawamus Chief - the second largest piece of granite after the Rock of Gibraltor.
I wish I took a picture of the "kids meals" that were brought out for Alex and Olivia - they were bigger than ours! Alex ordered "the silver dollar pancakes, and received 4 panakes that were about as big as a bread and butter plate and about a centimetre thick. He almost ate it all too - much to our disbelief. He must be having a growth spurt. (God help us when he is a teenager).
Later, we drove through the town of Squamish - a logging town that is prepping itself to nab as many Olympic dollars as possible, as they trickle their way down from Whistler. We ended our journey north at Alice Lake.
Now I know where Canadians go to swim. They dont' go to the seaside, with all its pebbles, cold water and dirty grey sand. They head to the lakes!
This lake had white(ish) sand and the water was fresh. The lakes are clear, clean and deep; and without the wide expanses, tidal rips and lurking sharks, they are a much safer option for families. Next time we will take our bathers, and sand castle making equipment - you can be sure of that.
You can also pitch a tent and camp out, as many people appeared to be doing - not sure know - given the wildlife and all. Posted by Picasa


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