Yesterday we dressed our little cherubs up until they resembled round little puff balls and set out for a "surprise". As promised we returned to the snow to make a snowman.
I had taken notes on how to make one from all the kids TV shows that bombard us with dreamy winterscapes and fun-in-the-snow ideas. Alex had been pestering me for weeks "when is it going to snow again?", and "when can I make a snowman?". I tried to tell him that snow in our neighbourhood was considered rare, but he didn't really understand.
Here we are back at Mount Seymour. There was considerably more snow on the ground since our last visit 7 weeks ago, and as you can see, it was falling while we were there. The trees were bent as though their limbs would snap due to the icy load weighing heavy on the branches. Cars were struggling on their way up the mountain; many cars struggled to maintain traction with the road, and we watch one guy in a ute spinning his wheels with a couple of people bouncing on the back to assit in providing enough weight in the back. I suspect he might have had to turn around aand go back, as many did. We could smell the burning of rubber in the crisp air - it definately wasn't doing the car any good, and made me realise why chained tires are required in such conditions. Our little CRV handled it with ease however, so we were happy.
It took the 4 of us about 45 minutes to make this snowman, who was later named Sigmund. Olivia really enjoyed it and seemed quite content in the cold conditions. Alex on the otherhand, hated the snow falling on his face and he had a breakdown about halfway through. When asked if he wanted to go back to the car, he was adamant that he was here to make a snowman and so he would suffer through it - what a trouper. After the snowman was made, we engaged in the time honoured tradition of pummelling each other with snowballs until we were soaked to the skin and I could no longer feel my legs, since they were so cold and numb - too much fun, must do it again soon.