Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Well, in 1952 it rained for 28 consecutive days, making it the longest number of rainy days in a row, since recorded history of such things for the region. Sunday we awoke to the 28th day of rain, only to find the birds a chirping and blue sky above. The land was a sodden boggy mess, but alas, no rain. Although we were all excited to have blue sky and sunshine - and on a wekend day no less, the pursuit to break the 54 year old record was dashed. Basking in the suns soothing rays and soaking up that much needed vitamin D made us all forget that silly record and just enjoy... And the houses on the North Shore that were on evacuation stand by landslide alert, heaved a huge sigh of relief.
That was until Monday morning, when the curtins were pulled back only to find a drenched landscape and ink black clouds stretching out as far and wide as we could see. Vancouverites were then left to mourn the record that never was - close but not close enough. Why? I guess it would have been nice to have something official standing as a reminder of our suffering through a winter with such dreary conditions. Oh well, the count starts is day 3. Posted by Picasa


At 5:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love this photo!


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