Monday, January 23, 2006

museums should have an age requirement

The other week we went to the Museum of Anthropology - NEVER AGAIN!
I was so looking forward to learning new things about the indigenous people of Canada, although I discovered that the Museum contained artifacts and information of indigenous groups from all over the world; there were even somethings from Australia and a sizeable dislpay of Papua New Guinean tribal artifacts. This sculpture is called "Raven and the first Men" and tells the creation story of one of the local First Nations. There was also a huge exhibit of cermanic art, mainly from Slovakia as far as I could see. Many totem poles and large animal sculptures depicting local totem animals adorned a large part of the museum.
Alex and Olivia weren't really up to the challenge of visiting a Museum. They were more content running screaming through the echoing halls and corridors than looking at things; the order and quiet of the place was simply too much to handle.
After about half an hour I had had enough, declaring "RIGHT THAT'S IT!!!!" and stormed out. The brow beatings I was getting rom otehrs was getting too much and something was going to get broken with them banging on the galss cabinets. I think the museum officials heaved a huge sigh of relief when we finally exited the place. Posted by Picasa


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