Monday, May 08, 2006

Animals, Animals, Animals

Posted by Picasa There seemed to be something going on in each of the animal enclosures, whether that be patting them, riding the horses or watching them be groomed; feeding the ducks;the sheep get shorn at the end of the month. The peacock had its plummage fanned out to impress the ladies in his vacinity, but I don't think he was having a whole lot of luck. There wasn't a whole lot of room for his rather intimidating tail and he kind of looked a bit silly really - like a big old show off. I was imagining what the other birds were thinking in their effort to ignore him - "Look at him, who does he think he is, eh? What a tosser!"
Next door were the bunnies -lots of bunnies. Alex and Olivia rammed a carrot into the mouth of this one, and it must of been hungry because it ate it. There were so many rabbit kittens, dozens of white little ball s of fluff.
I think Ashley and I enjoyed seeing the kids faces light up, as much as they liked being there - it was fun!


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