the day I awoke in Milford, Vermont USA
Yep, stranger things have happened I guess.
Today I live in Milford, Vermont USA. Don't believe me? Well here is the town sign.
There were US newspaper stands outside the shops, which had new names. Even the historical schpeel normally outside the Delta Museum and Archives building was a piece about the City of Milford, and there was a canon out the front, which was obviously fake because a group of kids came along, one kid sat on it and broke it - I don't think that one really was in the civil war as the sign suggested! Anyway.......
As it turned out, the main street of the village was turned into a film set for the upcoming series "3 moons over Milford", which is apparently about how the people of Milford, Vermont respond when they learn that an asteroid is going to destroy the earth. I think it is about the old hypothetical - what would you do if this were your last [day/week/month/year] on earth. Apparently some crazy stuff goes on. I am sure it will either be a hit or a fizzer, as these things usually are. I am not sure if this filming is going to be a regular thing or whether they were doing some general street shots or what, but the filming has been going on all week. Only 8 episodes are being done at present - see where it goes I guess. It is kind of cool to have filming going on in your town. But I think quite a bit is done in the village - it has a bit of an oldy worldy, quaint kind of character about it. I have seen 5 film sets at various times and in various places around Ladner.
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