Monday, April 17, 2006

Happy Easter 2006

We hope everyone had a great Easter break. We did, or rather, we still are having a good break. Ashley has two weeks holidays and most of that time will be spent on the house no doubt.
Anyway, it was largely a quiet holdiay time. We have had a real mix of weather. It was freezing on the Saturday adn pretty cool on Sunday too- there was even a snow storm in the mountains.
But today it is too beautiful for complaints. Everyone appears to be out in the garden, the lawns are lush and green and all the flowers are in full bloom - GLORIOUS.
Alex made this little easter chick at pre-school. I thought it very cute. The wings are cut outs of his own hand tracings. The wings move and open out to reveal the special Easter message - very sophistocated indeed. Happy Easter everyone. Posted by Picasa


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