Sunday, February 26, 2006

from sublime to ridiculous

Okay so this is probably more in your ridiculous ball park.....
Once again we found ourselves being drawn to the beach like distressed whales.
This time we found ourselves at Spanish Banks which is in the heart of West Vancouver. While this beach was at least sandy, boy was it ugly!
I sometimes look at the river banks and coastal districts around this fair city and its far reaching outer regions, and wonder if the locals might be just a little complacement about the beauty of thier city's location; the lure of the ocean with the back drop of snow-capped mountains, while the calm and serenity that is brought by the sound of lapping waters is sought by so many. I say this because this area of Vancouver, which is absolutely swamped with beach goers in summer is incredibly under serviced. There are no paths or board walks so people can enjoy a leisurely stroll, this car park was inadequately small, and none of the parks faced out to sea, whch forced one to get out of their car to watch the boats and frieghters passing by. The park beyond was scruffy to say the least, and there were no restaurants, cafe or coffee houses to draw people there on coller days (which is pactically always). I can not explain it myself. I just don't know why this area has been neglected; West Vancouver has alot of money, maybe the locals just want the place left as it is, may be people are concerned about the extra traffic this area could bring, should it be serviced. It really think they are delaying the inevitable really, if this is the case.
Now here is the ridiculous part....It was so cold when we were there, that my fingers turned red and I wasn't even game to place them into the freezing waters for fear they might instantly fall off. Alex and Olivia loved it though and were most content throwing pebbles into the gently ebbing tide while I sat in the car attempting to warm up. As I sat there watching them, I wondered why I had not yet grown accustom to the cold as they appeared to have. "I must be weak", I concluded. Then it started to snow!!!! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Cheeky Monkey

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Eskimo O

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Is this a beach?

This is White Rock Beach. And believe me, this is about as good as it gets. Bring an air mattress if you plan to lazy about in the sun, coz there is likely to be a rock or two jutting into your back if you don't. Oh yeah I forgot, there is no sun and the water is freezing- even in summer. Silly, silly me. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, February 11, 2006

CHC headquarter

This is CHC headquarters. The far left is Global Operations, where Ashley is situated. The far right is Heli-one . Heli-one is the records, purchasing and document keeping part of CHC. The gray, middle section is a workshop and hangar. Directly behind the whole complex is the Vancouver International Airport, which is used be many businesses, and takes up the whole of Lulu Island in Richmond,which is only 5 minutes from Vancouver. The airport is in an excellent location for international travellers and since it is costal, the airport noise is not a big concern to residents. It takes Ashley about 20 mintues to get to work from our place, which is also very handy, unless the tunnel is blocked, of course. Then it could take hours!!!! Posted by Picasa

The executive

On the weekend Ashley took us to his work place. He wanted to show us his office and the changes that had been made there since we were there in May 2005.
Ashley is feeling alot more settled into the work place now and seems to feel comfortable in his position and is just now beginning to feel that he is getting on top of things. Of course Alex was not content until he had sat in the BIG seat and played executives. Wonder where he is headed? Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The temp

Well, I appear to have scored myself a temp job.
Since Sunday I have been helping the tech. records part of Ashley's work with their parts records - Data Entry Clerk. I have only a one month contract to help them catch up, but it is a Canadian job none-the-less. I am rather enjoying the idea of paid employment again. And here's the best bit- I am doing the work from my home computer, so I don't have to worry about juggling child care or factoring the cost of child care. Nor do I need to worry about working parent guilt either. YAY! "From little things big things grow" - isn't that what the mysterious "they" say? Well something like that anyway.