Monday, June 05, 2006

wild rumpus

Yesterday we were invited to a three year old birthday party. It was held at a friends house here in our town. Ashley works with teh little girls Dad and I have gotten to know the little girls mother a bit too, and have even looked after the little girl here and there. The party was a nice size, just 7 kids and their parents. It was a nice day out so the kdsi were able to play out in te back yard on the trampoline or whatever else they found. They served chips and veggie dip and pizza and a cake of course. There was music appropriate for little kids to dance to and the kids watched the little girl unwrap her presents. All the kids seemed to have fun and it was a nice atmosphere to talk to some adults and get to know people. Alex has been to a few birthday party's now and seems to like them alot. Now it is his birthday coming up next month and HE wants a party too. HELP! I am not really clued up on parties of any kind and try to avoid them, if humanly possible, which isn't, as a general rule. The whole idea of organising a little party and perhaps having some parents that I don't know over, is a little over-whelming, but I will suck it up for him and try my best: let the wild rumpus start! Posted by Picasa


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