Monday, May 22, 2006

Shhhh...don't tell anyone

I am whispering because I have been a little wary about telling everyone this, and I have deliberately been holding back in telling you all that is the secret bit....
We have been in Canada for over a year now.
SHHHHH! Not so loud....
Yes, time does fly doesn't it.
Yeah, but I have been reluctant to say anything because well... we don't yet have our new visa and well..... I guess we are kinda illegal immigrants.
Yeah, I know. Who would of thought - Me! An illegal immigrant - huh! Kind of ironic isn't it.
Well we have been half assured that we will be ok while our new visaa is being processed, as long as we don't make any "noise" (commit any OTHER illegal acts) or attempt to leave then re-enter the country on the old visa. Now do you understand why I am whispering?
That said - we are still very anxious to get our hands on the almighty visa, even though my old one DOES document me as being 10 years younger - surprised I haven't been picked up for holding a fake on that completely obvious point alone really.


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