Sunday, October 30, 2005

Rambo country

The Town of Hope. We stopped here for lunch. There really weren't that many nice eating places here, which was disappointing, but the scenery made up for it.
Rambo - First Blood was filmed here and the locals are REALLY proud of it. There is even a Rambo picture where you can stick your head through the hole and pretend you are Sly Stallone. Apparently Ashley is a Rambo fan!!!! I found this out when Ashley said he wanted to be photgraphed with his head in the Rambo cut out . Bewildered and dismayed, I asked "why?", accompanied by my best "are you insane...?" look. I heard no more about it!!! Other movies have been filmed here, but it seems none of them compare to Rambo - First Blood. Posted by Picasa


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