The Birds
Anyone who has had the fortune of living in the foothills of Adelaide, would know that living among the wonderfully colourful and chatty birds, is an absolute delight - like you are living in an actual avairy. Here, we hear no bird noises at all. This saddens me a little, since I loved to see and hear the Adelaide birds so much.
But for the past couple of days I have noticed at sunset and sunrise, flocks of geese flying in a V and honking away. I love it. They are, no doubt flying to (or away from) either Boundary Bay or The Reifel Bird Migration Sanctuary (such an unfortunate name for a bird sanctuary don't you think?) . There is something about birds, I just love all kinds. Hawks, eagles, parrots and lorikeets are among my favourite, there is something awe-inspiring about them and their presence, thier seemingly free life. I don't think I could ever have one as a pet; thier purpose is to fly.
I am really looking forward to going to the bird sanctuary again in November when it is said to be the best time to go. I wish I had bought a yearly family membership to the place last time, then we could have gone all the time and not had to worry about the cost (not that it will break the bank). In fact there are so many places in BC where you can buy a yearly membership, and the cost is not much more than a one off entry fee.
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