Thursday, May 31, 2007

It never fails....

Whenever I use the bathroom, it never fails that either one or both of my children will cause incident during the brief time I am in there. They will follow me and sit, stand or lay next to the door, and either quietly tap the door, thump it violently or yell at me through it, until I come out.
Should I manage the miraculous task of creeping away unseen, it never fails that one or both children will start screaming for me to "come here" and much to my urgings, they will not divulge the reasoning behind my immediate and urgent summonsing.

On the even rarer occurrence where I have managed to venture to the bathroom alone, without being followed; they knowing exactly where I am going, but are too engrossed in whatever it is they are playing to care, it never fails that some freakish mishap or bizarre turn of events should befall upon one or both children in my absence, causing one or both children to scream at blood curdling decibels, which leaves me panicked and helpless in my efforts to speed things along so I can attend to the broken limbs, broken teeth, gauged eyes and split open heads I am imagining I will find upon scrambling out of the bathroom...which, for your information, is never the case, despite the stuck pig-like squealing and squawking going on, or the terrorised tone of the non-injured party who is frantic for me to emerge "quiiiiiiiick"and call OOO.

Why oh why oh WHY, can't I use the bathroom in peace...just once?


At 12:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

kathy, its the golden rule no.207 in the book of the thosand and one golden rules of mothering. YOU WILL NEVER HAVE PEICE AND QUIET IN THE TOILET AGAIN!
It came after rule no.206 that very ralery do you eat a hot meal, especially before child is 5 years and before the rule that when everyone is sick in the house never ever will you be the sickest even if you are walking around with a cork up you bum and tampoms in your nostrils because they last longer than tissues. love Kylie


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