Wednesday, April 11, 2007

I don't look good in lycra

May I be among the first to reign in the post-Easter guilt insanity, by announcing that I have just signed up with CURVES for Women. How predictable! Surprise BLOODY surprise.

I think it is time; time for a new regime, a fresh, more positive outlook; a new MEEEeeeeee.
I wonder how long my newly found enthusiasm for energetic things will last? 5, perhaps 10 minutes? Golly, I do indeed disappoint myself with my good intentions, lofty and fanciful expectations and gung-ho idealism. I do tend to go into such fitness ventures with all the gusto of the newly inspired and then....I don't know, immediate results do not present themselves, and so I lose interest, become disenchanted and give up, thus returning to my far more productive and successful, sedentary lifestyle. sigh.

I am fully aware that it takes time and effort, and also perhaps, JUST as one is on the verge of giving up, the break through appears, but I sabotage my efforts in a zillion different ways on a daily basis, so why is this time going to be any different? Honestly? I have no idea.

I have been doing the Nordic Walking thing, but strangely, I am not getting the results I had expected from it. I am planning to persist with that group on Tuesdays, since it is a group thing, and I think I respond well to group motivation , and it is a little social, unlike going to the gym for an aerobic session (which, quite frankly, bores me shitless), but I also need something Curves has been chosen, as "it".

"So. What made you pick up the phone and, of all days", asked my perky recruiter.

"Well yesterday you were shut, Mate." (ok, smart arse).

No seriously, a couple of friends recommended Curves to me, and since there is facility very close to my house, well...why not. Furthermore, the workouts are only 30 minutes, so I hardly think I will have time to get bored before it is time to leave (although stranger things have happened). It is also kind of like a group thing, in that the staff are right all in all, it seemed like a good idea... at the time. I hope to go three times a week; as they suggest. I have been weighed and measured (results being all to horrifying to reveal or admit to), so I will hopefully be able to see my progress over the coming months (....Oh God! Months....).

So, like the Nordic Walking, I am posting this for all to see, so you might hold me accountable and bear witness to my reluctant and resigned, yet necessary steps, down fitness lane.


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