Saturday, January 06, 2007

Vitamin D

When one is constantly stuck inside, it can get very old, very quickly.

We have endured some pretty strange weather in this last month: flooding, snow storms, wind storms and torrential rain.

Last night we had the 5th severe wind storm of the season. The trees outside were lashed about like cheerleader pom poms.

Earlier in the day though, we were fortunate enough to have had some sunshine, and it is almost a criminal offense for any who are able, to spend such a gift inside. So of course, in 5 degree weather, we thought the beach would be a mighty good place to be.

With pails in hand, we set out for a spot of rock collecting along the shore. The kids thought it was fun, me...well, my hands were stinging red and are now cracked from the cold I felt.

Cobie the dog, was positively shivering while Alex and Olivia took their sweet time in selecting JUST the right stones for their collections.

Despite the frostiness of our outing, I am glad we made the effort. We are all definitely much happier for our interlude with the outdoors....and can certainly live without Adelaide's 40 degrees that was apparently happening at the same time.


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