I stumbled across this site through someone else's blog today. I thought it interesting to see how common one's name is...well at least in the USA. The USA IS a big country with almost 300 million people calling the place home....that is quite a few people compared to good old Australia - how many live there...20 million or something???? I forget.
I as surprise to learn that only 2 people shared my name, and my maiden name is relatively uncommon. However, I don't think the data base represents ALL names. I looked up some different names to just how uncommon they really were, one name was Oprah. Apparently NO ONE living in the US bears that name...funny? I then looked up Oprah Winfrey. The site noted the number of people with that last name and gave an example...Oprah Winfrey and yet, the data base still said no one living in the US bore that name...She must have been elsewhere on census night.
Anyway I thought it was a bit of interesting self trivia for you all to waste time over, like I did.
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