Belcarra Islands
This was the spectacular view we had on the way back to Port Moody. I believe this stretch of water, which is heading inland, is known as Indian Arm. There is an Indian Arm conservation park - I have seen pictures of certain spots of it (on clearer days) and it seems pretty stunning. It would be good to, oneday, have the opportunity to go for a hike around these parts. There are so many parks and trails you can take around Greater Vancouver.There was anotehr lovely drive we did on this particular day, and that was up to the Village of Anmore, which is also part of Port Moody. Deeper into the forest we went to arrive at Anmore. There is a camping ground there, and we did see one shop/convenience store and bit more of a built up area. I would imagine there would be quite a bit of snow in these parts during winter.
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